Saturday, 19 December 2009

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday blog: hopefully consistant.
Current mood: amused
Hey there again!

So i know i only did one of these a while ago (2 days?) But i'd thought i'd catch you up to date,

So im in year 11, and looking at colleges, Saw saltashes presentation today, I use the term presentation VERY loosly. It was a video... showing the college, that was it. followed by about 5 minutes of talking. I was not impressed, I could have been doing french! HAH. But seriosly, one of the guys in the video looked like dimitri Martin... which I jumped at, but noone else knew who he was so i hushed about that!

I'm also looking for something, But im not sure what it is... Its like, i know i need to find something, but i wont know what it is, untill i find The only way I'll know what it is, is if i stumble onto it by accident. Talking of stumbling, I received an award for contribution to dance (Haha) and Like many other people in the school I had to go up in assembly to get it given to me, Now im not the most gracefull of people when put on the spot, So I walked through to the stairs, went to turn to get up the stairs and tripped, then when i got to the stage, went the wrong way... Not my finest moment!

My internets Kind of annoying me at the moment, I blame AOL, I hate them, I swear its them making my computer so slow. I was doing a thing for my mum earlier, sending an E-m@il (no i didnt need to write it like that, I just like using @)
And all afternoon I've had something Buffering, Im serios, its been loading for about 2 hours, so i go to close a folder and it exited my whole Window that the video was buffering in! Argh I have to say I was rather annoyed since it wasn't my fault, It was the fact the computer was veeeeeery slow.

So my query for this week Is "who Invented the Slow cooker"
I mean it cooks things just as well, just much slower!
go on, get back to me on this one!

Anyway, Hope you enjoyed my blog, More next tuesday!

Strange boy, Out.

*Archive notes* This blog also had one comment, which similar to the first, had no body to it. the mystery deepens

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