Saturday, 19 December 2009

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Idea
Current mood: blah

Time: 17: 44
Date: 7th November 2007
Place: Your computer screen.

Yes, ok, I'm not in france, so the subtitle has no real meaning today, you never know, I may one day be in frenchland, and have the title "bonjour", well you never know whats around the corner, Unless, well no, You can't, unless you can see the road bend. Oh well! theres another saying ruined, kind of like "butter wouldn't melt in their mouth" Well who are they? A fridge? Because thats the only way butter wouldn't melt, does butter melt anyway? Oh yer, it does! But anyway, back to the crux of the matter, fridges can't have personalitys so, that whole saying is wrong.

So? New Idea?
Yes, as the paragraph above has shown, Im waffling about a bit well, thats because I am now writing (typing) whatever comes into my head, I'm typing excactly as im thinking, so, this could be a very long and hard to follow blog!

So it was my dads birthday yesterday, and we had my brother (one of them) my 2 sisters and their other halfs (the other one has been to surgeory, so she couldn't be there) now, before I start the talk of the evening, I would just like to say, I like ONE of my sisters boyfriends, Sarahs isnt moany, negative or annoying atall! and thats it. So, back to the evening, My brother came over, as I said, and I was listening to some music, You guys all know my music, well lets just say, he did not approve! So he walked out the off the door shouting something like " your music is crap." of course i cleaned it up a bit. So about 10 minutes later, he came back, and had a HUUGE stack of CDs, and was listing all these artists, one of them was marilin manson, (or however you spell it) and I was a bit... "umm". Although some of his tunes weren't bad, I founs one i liked XD a guy called "Graham Coxon" Hes very good!

First thing on my mind... NOW:
Chrsitmas? Really?
Oh well, so It's november, NOT DECEMBER, fair enough Its a good idea to be thinking about it now, But the adverts started in october! Thats before haloween! (ok, so that isn't a holiday in my books ATALL, its all american, scaring little kids, just doesnt seem right to me...) so yes these christmas adverts started in october (which by the way, should be the 8th month, not the 10th, stupid romans) and well, theres nothing like a bit of advertising to induce the fear of running out of time, (wow this song is making me tired...) But yer, I was listening to dimitri martin the other day, and something christmas based, and funny came up,

"I set myself a new record, I did all my shopping 3 weeks early, so I wrapped them, but half way through i realised I was using the wrong paper, and the stuff I was using said "Happy Birthday" so I didnt want to waste it, so I just put "Jesus" on it."

I laughed. Anyway, yer christmas shopping isn't as hard as i used to find it, its when people aske me what I want that trips me up! But I know what I'm getting Alix, so I'm half sorted! (oh and my wrist is aching now... so I'm taking a break.Now I just realised that you cant tell that I took a break.. Oh well)
Speaking of christas, one morning I woke up in the summer holidays and I was convinced that it was December 25th! I actually believed it was christmas!

So, A week ago, I found out that Zach Braff did the voice of chicken little, Thats right! I was a bit wierded out! But if you REALLY listen to it, you can hear glimpses of his real voice, Wierd Eh? I thought so. Now I would have told you this 7days ago, But well, I had already writen my blog, so... Oh well, now you know.

Well Im off for another week, Ill speak to you all later. Oh and feedback on my new method?


*Archive Notes* It turns out the past writer of this blog had no real respect for the english language or spell checking. or coherency. could this add to the charm of the piece?

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