Saturday, 19 December 2009

Sunday, April 06, 2008

This week on Joes blog...

Mistakes in time! Raccoon Invasion, and a look into the mind of joe, all of this and more coming up...

Theres been a mistake in the time continuum (who would have guessed, 2 u’s) For I am Speaking to you for a second time in a week! Why? read on and all shall be revealed!

Oh bloody hell, Its the rozzers!
So, that title has nothing to do with my actual blog, i just love that line from Topgear.
Q: So yes Joe, Why are you speaking to us for a second time this week? HMM?
A: Well You see random person who isnt actually a person, just a voice i made for my own narrative purposes, I today, sitting here, on the computer have had my head swimming with little joe thoughts (who I like to call Joeisms they resemble tadpols with my head swimming about merrily yabbering on like little clive andersons...who occasionaly bump into another Joeism and politly move on with their yammerings. Splishy splish.) and as you can see, they are a bit hard to control, and i forget them quite easily, and i thought that this would be a good way to seal them down and flick them away like some annoying, but still interesting bogey. (which also has my face) so i have decided to write a blog tonight since i am bored, avoiding History coursework and umm causing an intervention for my dad, who is addicted to E-Bay. There, happy now Mr nonexistant-voice-for-my own-narritive-purposes?

I have a really itchy and annoying toe. Seriosly its preventing me from writing its that bad... and i dont wanna take off my shoes, else my feet will get cold, and take hours to warm up again.. (as Ayesha will know), NOW! If I was in my room, then I would not have cold feet, and could itch to my hearts content. this just adds to my list of reason to buy a laptop. If you wish to see this list, press the red button on your remo- umm keyboards.

Ok, so having a run-O- the mill convosation with one of my friends (hahah Joe has no friends Joke) For some strange (hahah surname joke) reason racoons kept popping into my mind... It looked a bit like this:

See this blog has alot of effort into this! I made that picture, how many other blogs have pictures of raccoons in them? (apart from Raccoons Weekly)
Now where was I? I seriosly forgot with the whole raccoons thing... oh yer, so anything i said, it would just pop up, saying RACCOOON! so it was like, Burglary, RACCOOON! bar? RACCOOON! Etc...

So I Flicked onto casualty just a minute ago, and you know they always do that thing, like, "oooh! Normal people! But this is casualty, so something that will lead to a casualty will happen!" (thats some slick naming of a program there) "look, a man, walking along in the woods, what will happen....
(scroll Down to see what happend to the woods man)

See! More Blooming raccoons!

anyway, the one i just looked at had a few people at a party, and i know quite alot of things happen in partys, Drunk, etc, but they must have done them all before, soon their gunna be like, "Quick this man has eaten a dodgey Voiluvont! (yes docters use the word dodgey) What do we do?! Clear! BZZZT! Hes gone! Noo!

Thats excactly what would happen, so be you warned, watch out for vuluvonts and if this ever happens, I am So sueing casualty...

So as my leaving note, I would just like to thank you for listening to me for the second time this week, and expect more of the same next week!

Joe Strange. Action news!

Just a slight note, i am EXTREMELY forgetfull, and forgot a few points i was gunna make, so ill see if i remember them for next week!

*Archive Notes* This post included pictures of raccoons, which were lost in the restoration

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