Saturday, 19 December 2009

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Nuts on the road, at 100 miles an hour.
Hello Blog fans.

If your not a fan, bugger off actually dont, i need the ratings

Haha, that always makes me, laugh, blog control centre... I feel like a supercriminal! Brilliant... first the blog, then myspace then!! well probably dinner... since im hungry... but anyway! let us not lower the mood, is lower the right word? lets not dampen... yes I like dampen , lets not dampen the mood because of my hungry-ness, because that would be selfish and also... mean.

As you may have guessed... Im slightly, im not sure, since im thinking this at 100 miles an hour, but my blog may not show this... OO! Title idea! **goes back to correct the non capital A at the begining of the paragraph... *incase you dont know what that looks like, it looks like this "a" withought the "'s***
Just a note, thats 3 of these * not a swear word, dirty minded viewers.
Wow, its almost 9 a clock already! cricky where does the time go? and that reminds me, I should phone james... He owes me money!!
soo this is an idea that i have put off for a while, Im gunna write a list of facts about me, this may be an on going thing, or a one off, depending on how im feeling... thats right, my feelings get in the way of your entertainment... sorry about that.
but first i wanna talk to you about my day, yup you have to sit through me waflle on about how my day was... well you dont, i mean you could just as easy scroll down and read the list, but you never know, you may find something in here that unlocks the list, or something.

So yer. My day hasnt been that bad, bearing in mind that my exams are bearing down on me like an overweight raccoon thats been hired as a prison guard and is watching over a confict that is making a wallet that says, "I hate raccoons and all raccoon kin". why would a raccoon be hired as a prison guard? I dunno... anyway..
Oh yer! exams, yer so today was my official start to my official exams, officially. because today i had my french oral. Oh yes. FRENCH... oral. thats speaking in french for a set amount of time about something that you have memoriezed and is randomly chosen (apparently) but considering all the fuss,*to find the key, trace back 4 and add 7 to a windmill* it wasnt that bad. i mean completly nerve racking, but not too bad overall. I now never have to speak french again... although im sure i will... but TECHNICALLY i dont have to. and during my Oral *pfft* alot of my sentances ended in the french equivilent to "and... yer.". yup Im awesome. so my exams, yer well my first lot is in 2 weeks time, where i have 4 hours of exams in one day... FUN!

The list... BEGINS
Enter pin number, i mean KEY*number*
1) I have a fascination with the possibilitys of an outcome.
2) I lie compulsivly at the begining of a list.
3) Paradoxs and time travel both hurt my head
4) so does teleportation
5)Steph is my Sister, nomatter what the blood tests say
6) I believe that you can burn an ant from the light relfected off jonnys forhead
7) Comedy makes the world go round... Unless its true what they say bout gravity and in that case.. well thats what makes the world go round
8) Always put off for today what you can do tomorow
9) unless your being paid for it
10) 9 is my favorite number
11) russell howard is my Idol.
12) I believe that the world was created by a trumpet playing space armidilo.
13) I dont care what you say in a none gay way i love zach braff
14) I dont care who is watching, im gunna speak my mind...
15) no matter what you are doing... there is always room for a raccoon in some way
16) Raccoons are the magic number.
17) In every activity there should be a splash zone, EVERY.
18) i am technically blind.. untill i get a haircut.
19) steph will always beat me in a sound making contest
20) I am officialy taken over by lord Ubugo the raccoon emperor
21) I like to do things in 3s, sleep, eat and be merry. Rape, Pilige and be a fictional stereo type. and sex, drugs, then throw up since those two do not mix. strangly, adding rock and roll balences it all out.
22) the answer to everything anyone ever offers you is always nuts on the road, it just depends how you say it.
23) according to ayesha, 19, why the hell not
*shrugs shoulders* beats me.
24) Mr pilling is Jack Bauer (see what i did thar!)
25) I think better with my trousers down.

More next week!
nuts on the road!

If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this blog, please call
0800 788 338

*Archive Notes* it seems this entry was mainly for fun, and unfortunately many of these facts are now untrue. (except number 25) and there was no follow up.

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