Saturday, 19 December 2009

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Spoiler Alert!!
Current mood: amused
Ok, So no real spoilers... I just couldn't think of a title. Anyway ON WITH THE SH- blog.

Hallo Campas.
Hey Guys, sorry about the 2 week absence. I really didnt have anything to write about last week, among other things. Anyway, whats been going through my head this week? In all fairness not alot! Although I have realised whilst writing this blog, if i take even a small break from writing my little finger automatically pushes the shift key, so if you ever see me writing Like this Ocassionally, its either becuase Im too lazy to check through what im writing, Or Ive taken a a break. (Like just then, But that (see again on the but.) paid of because it was an "I".

Anyway I had revelation this week, well i say revelation, what I mean is that whilst contemplating in the shower, and reflecting on my musings beforehand, I have realised, that I think better with my pants down, I mean when my meat and two veg is out in the open, My thoughts are more free, a bit more wierd... Maybe my brain is in my penis, and it thinks better with more air...(yes that came to me with no trousers on either) maybe I should start going comando in a skirt... Or not. since that would be TOO much freedom. (by the way Im wearing trousers now, no need to fear.) ((not that many of you were where you? ))

So this weekend I brought another new game for my wii, "mario galaxy" Now may I say this is one hell of a game, The graphics are beautiful (like a certain girl i know, but I'll leave you to decide on that) the music is hair raisingly awesome, and the gameplay is, well innovative. Ill leave it there since Some of you arn't that interested in that portly italian plumber.

So for you guys that arn't into games, how about TV? Well after watching episode 10 of season 2 of heroes, (dont worry, there arn't any spoilers) I am now very much wishing the writers were not on strike, I mean, Does anyone know if they are stopping the 2nd season when they run out of scripts? Or are they leaving us on a HUGE cliff hanger, and waiting, however long the strike is? Anyway, there are some really nice storylines appearing now, dont worry, I no telly.

Nearly christmas, well its december on saturday, so Its ALMOST nearly christmas.and I've had my first mince pie of the season! Roll on santas birthday!
(im going to hell for that arn't I?)

Well, Im off to build a karma proof shelter, Good night!

Ill Leave you all with one final thought:

Chuck Norris' calender goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; No one fools Chuck Norris.

Good Bye Campas

*Archive Notes* the writer attempted to use a drop capital system for the begining of each line. this failed, in the original copy and this revised piece - Commenter is still there.

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