Saturday, 19 December 2009

Friday, December 05, 2008

Macho Libre.

Good evening people of myspace.

Today's post may contain scenes of a painted nature.

Been a while hasn't it, well I'm afraid college has been a bit of a bummer with the workload recently, but it seems to have let off for a bit... almost.

So, hope you've all been well, i know i have, apart from the horrible cough, but its going now, buttercup, brilliant stuff that, anyway what I really wanted to talk to anyone who listened about was what I like to call, the "Macho Libre"

Here is the thing, a group of guys get together, now observe this, its more prominent when the friends, not that it has to be friends, haven't seen one another in a long time. Observing? Good, well look at them, seems normal yes? Blokeish talk? Crude gestures and guffawing? All normal, yes?
now wait for them to start talking about either: Women, Cars or Sports. Here's a take on what it may sound like.

Topic 1: Sport
A: Yeah so did anyone see the ______ game/match last night?
B: Ah, yeah man, totally stupid, the umpire/coach/ref/judge was way outa order!
C: No way, ______ (team/player) deserved to win, they played the best, i mean they ______________________ (insert topic specific jargon here)
B: nah man your full of crap, _______ (Team name/player) was terrible, a bad performance on his part.
A: Yeah but I totally saw it coming. Shut the hell up B, you cant even name _______ of _______ (insert a number of participants and team/country/company)
B: So you don't need to know that to appreciate good ______ (insert sport)
C: Your just saying that 'cos you didn't watch it.
A: by the way, the gyms this way (flexes muscles in sharp S shape)

Topic 2: Women

//A sees a young attractive girl walk past//

A: Guys check her out, I would. __ (This number denotes the rating of the girl from 1 to 10)

C: Oh hell yeah, I wouldn't _________ (this phrase includes a metaphor for not saying no to a woman's advances)

B: Yeah… very nice.

A: What the hell B, she's ____ (synonym for attractive) More than just very nice!

//C spots another attractive young girl//

C: Dibs.

A: Di- Ah god damn

B: Oh yeah, I wouldn't _____ (repeats phrase used in earlier conversation)

//A and C look at B in disgust, B noticing this and feeling nervous, spies an older woman walking by//

B: I would!

//Group Laugh//

See what happened here? Participant B got overwhelmed by the manliness of the topic, and of A and C, this is called "Macho Libre". this phenomenon is noticeable whenever a group of males are together and are talking about a stereotypical male subject I.E BBQ's

Strictly speaking this phenomenon is normal, since I'm sure its been going on since the stone ages, as this image represents.

*Archive notes* Here stood a painted image which is no longer avaliable due to loss of data and account suspension, but I'll assure you it was hilarious.

Well I hope this talk has taught you something, and guys... remember, if you dont want to be a B, scrub up on your manliness.

Next time; The Why Factor.

Later Days

*Archive Notes* This was the last entry of the myspace blogs. About 2 months later, the Blogspot account saw action. and some time after that, "The Crack'd-pot" was created.It was also the blog with the most varied comment replies.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Season Finale...
So, its here... the Season Finale of... My blog.

Ive taken a leaf out of scrubs book, and i am finishing my season now. but all is not lost... Im starting a new blog ASAP. Ill be giving my adress out at the end of the blog.

so yes, im changing my blog adress, like scrubs changed its channel.

Im not sure if ill finish writing my list, maybe one day, as a leaving gift to you guys, or a returning gift, or maybe even a drop in one day.

So technically this is new season will be the 3rd season of my blog. since I started its gotten a bit wierd, theres no denying that, ive shared with you some of my most random thoughts ive ever had... and i hope you'll still read my new one, since most of you are great friends, and I hope you enjoy reading my blogs. so as im looking at my control panal right now i have a total of 15 blogs, 23 comments, 213 views and 4 kudos... thats not bad i suppose... well i hope you enjoy my final blog, and i hope you enjoy reading my new one, and heres to season 3!

Granted season 3 will now be the summer edition, unless i take a break and then it will fall short. but I should keep them weekly.

So this new blog was not just completly a random Idea, My friend has a blog on this site, and i think that you should read it too, obviosly its not as good as mine but meh :P
also, im getting a new computer this week, and by the time I have that up and running, it should be a nice clean desktop with neat storage and my own stuff on here, so this calls for a new blog i suppose.

well Ill see you all soon!

you didnt think id forget my new blog adress did you?
My new Blog.

obviosly it doesnt look much, but Im gunna do it up and add a couple of posts,

thankyou my loyal viewers :p

and for old times sake...

Hallo Campas.

Nuts on the road, and off to blogspot, see you there!

*Archive Notes* this was in fact the first mention of blog spot, but the real blog didn't start up until January of the next year

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Nuts on the road, at 100 miles an hour.
Hello Blog fans.

If your not a fan, bugger off actually dont, i need the ratings

Haha, that always makes me, laugh, blog control centre... I feel like a supercriminal! Brilliant... first the blog, then myspace then!! well probably dinner... since im hungry... but anyway! let us not lower the mood, is lower the right word? lets not dampen... yes I like dampen , lets not dampen the mood because of my hungry-ness, because that would be selfish and also... mean.

As you may have guessed... Im slightly, im not sure, since im thinking this at 100 miles an hour, but my blog may not show this... OO! Title idea! **goes back to correct the non capital A at the begining of the paragraph... *incase you dont know what that looks like, it looks like this "a" withought the "'s***
Just a note, thats 3 of these * not a swear word, dirty minded viewers.
Wow, its almost 9 a clock already! cricky where does the time go? and that reminds me, I should phone james... He owes me money!!
soo this is an idea that i have put off for a while, Im gunna write a list of facts about me, this may be an on going thing, or a one off, depending on how im feeling... thats right, my feelings get in the way of your entertainment... sorry about that.
but first i wanna talk to you about my day, yup you have to sit through me waflle on about how my day was... well you dont, i mean you could just as easy scroll down and read the list, but you never know, you may find something in here that unlocks the list, or something.

So yer. My day hasnt been that bad, bearing in mind that my exams are bearing down on me like an overweight raccoon thats been hired as a prison guard and is watching over a confict that is making a wallet that says, "I hate raccoons and all raccoon kin". why would a raccoon be hired as a prison guard? I dunno... anyway..
Oh yer! exams, yer so today was my official start to my official exams, officially. because today i had my french oral. Oh yes. FRENCH... oral. thats speaking in french for a set amount of time about something that you have memoriezed and is randomly chosen (apparently) but considering all the fuss,*to find the key, trace back 4 and add 7 to a windmill* it wasnt that bad. i mean completly nerve racking, but not too bad overall. I now never have to speak french again... although im sure i will... but TECHNICALLY i dont have to. and during my Oral *pfft* alot of my sentances ended in the french equivilent to "and... yer.". yup Im awesome. so my exams, yer well my first lot is in 2 weeks time, where i have 4 hours of exams in one day... FUN!

The list... BEGINS
Enter pin number, i mean KEY*number*
1) I have a fascination with the possibilitys of an outcome.
2) I lie compulsivly at the begining of a list.
3) Paradoxs and time travel both hurt my head
4) so does teleportation
5)Steph is my Sister, nomatter what the blood tests say
6) I believe that you can burn an ant from the light relfected off jonnys forhead
7) Comedy makes the world go round... Unless its true what they say bout gravity and in that case.. well thats what makes the world go round
8) Always put off for today what you can do tomorow
9) unless your being paid for it
10) 9 is my favorite number
11) russell howard is my Idol.
12) I believe that the world was created by a trumpet playing space armidilo.
13) I dont care what you say in a none gay way i love zach braff
14) I dont care who is watching, im gunna speak my mind...
15) no matter what you are doing... there is always room for a raccoon in some way
16) Raccoons are the magic number.
17) In every activity there should be a splash zone, EVERY.
18) i am technically blind.. untill i get a haircut.
19) steph will always beat me in a sound making contest
20) I am officialy taken over by lord Ubugo the raccoon emperor
21) I like to do things in 3s, sleep, eat and be merry. Rape, Pilige and be a fictional stereo type. and sex, drugs, then throw up since those two do not mix. strangly, adding rock and roll balences it all out.
22) the answer to everything anyone ever offers you is always nuts on the road, it just depends how you say it.
23) according to ayesha, 19, why the hell not
*shrugs shoulders* beats me.
24) Mr pilling is Jack Bauer (see what i did thar!)
25) I think better with my trousers down.

More next week!
nuts on the road!

If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this blog, please call
0800 788 338

*Archive Notes* it seems this entry was mainly for fun, and unfortunately many of these facts are now untrue. (except number 25) and there was no follow up.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

a brief note from Mr J strange.
Well would ya look at that, seems its joe, and hes writing another blog!

How strange.

Anyway, how are you all today? oh great.
Good week? Awesome.

So it seems I must have psycic powers because last week I didnt write a blog (i was busy with coursework) and the week before i wrote two... how strange how these things play themselves out eh? i mean no its not, since Im psycic and did it on purpose!

Just a side note, I love this song, Rules by the hoosiers.
and i cant write cos im too busy doing a little dance sitting down to it...

So elaborating on that note, I find it really hard to not jig to music when im in the mood for.. er jiggin to music... So ive had to turn it off.

So yer, this weekends been pretty cool, I got my suit for my prom, which is in just under 3 weeks, cannot wait by the way. and yesterday was also 3 weeks before Dara Obrian which i also cant wait for. oh! also today i had a spiffy new haircut, Lol that is a cool word. yerp so now i have short hair once again, GOODBYE Curls!

I actually dont have that much to talk about, i mean i think its school thats squashing my creativity, cos, the last two blogs were written in the holidays, and Now im back at school i cant get the juices flowing as such, so ill see what I can stock pile for next week and dont forget to check back every thursday for a new comedian of the week.

there we go a plug for my feature :P

adios amigos

Sunday, April 06, 2008

This week on Joes blog...

Mistakes in time! Raccoon Invasion, and a look into the mind of joe, all of this and more coming up...

Theres been a mistake in the time continuum (who would have guessed, 2 u’s) For I am Speaking to you for a second time in a week! Why? read on and all shall be revealed!

Oh bloody hell, Its the rozzers!
So, that title has nothing to do with my actual blog, i just love that line from Topgear.
Q: So yes Joe, Why are you speaking to us for a second time this week? HMM?
A: Well You see random person who isnt actually a person, just a voice i made for my own narrative purposes, I today, sitting here, on the computer have had my head swimming with little joe thoughts (who I like to call Joeisms they resemble tadpols with my head swimming about merrily yabbering on like little clive andersons...who occasionaly bump into another Joeism and politly move on with their yammerings. Splishy splish.) and as you can see, they are a bit hard to control, and i forget them quite easily, and i thought that this would be a good way to seal them down and flick them away like some annoying, but still interesting bogey. (which also has my face) so i have decided to write a blog tonight since i am bored, avoiding History coursework and umm causing an intervention for my dad, who is addicted to E-Bay. There, happy now Mr nonexistant-voice-for-my own-narritive-purposes?

I have a really itchy and annoying toe. Seriosly its preventing me from writing its that bad... and i dont wanna take off my shoes, else my feet will get cold, and take hours to warm up again.. (as Ayesha will know), NOW! If I was in my room, then I would not have cold feet, and could itch to my hearts content. this just adds to my list of reason to buy a laptop. If you wish to see this list, press the red button on your remo- umm keyboards.

Ok, so having a run-O- the mill convosation with one of my friends (hahah Joe has no friends Joke) For some strange (hahah surname joke) reason racoons kept popping into my mind... It looked a bit like this:

See this blog has alot of effort into this! I made that picture, how many other blogs have pictures of raccoons in them? (apart from Raccoons Weekly)
Now where was I? I seriosly forgot with the whole raccoons thing... oh yer, so anything i said, it would just pop up, saying RACCOOON! so it was like, Burglary, RACCOOON! bar? RACCOOON! Etc...

So I Flicked onto casualty just a minute ago, and you know they always do that thing, like, "oooh! Normal people! But this is casualty, so something that will lead to a casualty will happen!" (thats some slick naming of a program there) "look, a man, walking along in the woods, what will happen....
(scroll Down to see what happend to the woods man)

See! More Blooming raccoons!

anyway, the one i just looked at had a few people at a party, and i know quite alot of things happen in partys, Drunk, etc, but they must have done them all before, soon their gunna be like, "Quick this man has eaten a dodgey Voiluvont! (yes docters use the word dodgey) What do we do?! Clear! BZZZT! Hes gone! Noo!

Thats excactly what would happen, so be you warned, watch out for vuluvonts and if this ever happens, I am So sueing casualty...

So as my leaving note, I would just like to thank you for listening to me for the second time this week, and expect more of the same next week!

Joe Strange. Action news!

Just a slight note, i am EXTREMELY forgetfull, and forgot a few points i was gunna make, so ill see if i remember them for next week!

*Archive Notes* This post included pictures of raccoons, which were lost in the restoration

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

April fools!
Happy April fools everyone.

I actually love this holiday, its the time of year i can torture my sisters and get away with it.(kind of) and i get my ownback on my brothers... Although i have 2 gripes about today, this years, april fools. ONE it was my birthday yesterday, and after a weekend of late nights, and being tired all day, i didnt wake up untill half 10, which meant that i had an hour and a half to prepare and excecute a april fools, since it runs out by 12... doesnt it? and another, my sisters have all moved out, so i have to make a real effort to prank them, cycle over to bin down to put salt in her coffee or something.

Anyway, So i spose some of you are wondering why i havent A: written anything for about 2 months, and 2: why i havent been online for about 2 months. (yes i realise that i writ A, then 2 therefore doesnt make sense, but, i dont care :P)
so A. Because the internet, well i say the internet I mean AOL, the stupid c**k sucking b*****d faces.
Yer They suck, Sorry for that outburst.
and 2: see above, cos its the same reason.

So You lucky people get to listen to my ramblings for another week! "do you love it as much as I do?" I got bored waiting for How i met your mother to load so I thought I’d check myspace out. looking on my friends updates, seems Ayesha has written a blog, so i thought i’d better her, and write one of mine. hahaha

Im telling you now, i miss the internet, I miss talking to everyone that i dont see at school, watching things before there released here, catching up on things i missed... so in the words of ted moseby, IM BACK BABYDOLL!

So whats the news on the strange front? Umm I have a new lamp?
Oh ok, Im now 16, yup i can play the lottery, watch 16 movies, Take my CBT and smoke, scrap that last one, Its a stupid habit. although the first 3 are a deffinate. I wanna thank james, jack, and jake for sunday and monday, it was great, drill bit tailor is a great film, I highly recomend it.

So This easters been pretty Ace. Umm chocolate, thats about it, Days in bed, which er ROCK! and that sorta thing. Although it has taken me a while to get into a regime, I mean, i wake up at like 10 and i think its too late for breakfast and cereal doesnt make a good lunch, I mean i have a box of oatabix in the cupboard that arnt going to eat themselves!

Well Thats all from me this week, ill speak to you all again next week! enjoy the rest of the week etc etc

Im off to find a cereal that is edible all day! seeya!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

I dont think...
That I would have remembered to write this if I hadn't have been speaking to Anastasia just now! So you guys can thank her for the wisdom (Yeah right) that im about to pass on to you!
I also think that Nice guys dont finish last, they finish somewhere in the middle... Maybe near the front...

Happy February Everyone.
How are you all well? Oh great!

So, wow, its the second month of the year 2008 already... Freaky eh? I still remember new years like it was yesterday... ok, so i dont really, I dont remember alot of that night... but I digress.
So, february, i think the only real "important" date in this months calender is valentines day, and I use the word "important" VERY loosly. You see, me and saint valentines have never seen eye to eye, not since year 3... and to add insult to injury, Ive never had a girlfriend on the 14th of February, and no, that wasnt to get sympathy, I would just like to say why i dislike this month so much, I mean, its not even a proper month...
My definition of a month includes having to have at least 30 days, and its an undecided month anyway, its like a cross dresser, or indesisive squirril! shall I have 28 days? No! Ill have 29! but not every other year. No, that would be too mean, i think ill have one more day every 4 years! I mean what the hell February... just go like the rest, get 30 days and leave it at that!
Of course... That would mean screwing up the calender, and well i feel for those poor calender makers... it would be mean... anyway! while I'm on the subject of months, I think, dont quote me on this, that the romans, screwed up our calender completely, lets look shall we!
2.Febuary (pfft)

Right, it all goes fine untill we get to; July and August, this is where we go all wrong... you see, SEPTember... Sept = 7. OCTober... Oct = 8. NOVember Nov = 9 (it does, trust me... spanish Language) and DECember, Dec = 10...
July and August were named after the emporers of rome, (Julius and Augustus) so why didnt they put them at the end of the calender, leave it to make sense, NO! They added it in the middle and caused it all to be c*cked up!
BUT! I digress, Where was I...
Oh yer... valentines day... See now to me its all one big joke, I mean its a day thats excellent if you have someone to spend it with, but as you know, no such chance has come to me yet... if not, then it just makes people depressed, and hate themselves! (not me obviosly a im boycoting this year anyway) but even if you do have someone, If they are away on buisness or something, it just causes heartache...
So in conclusion, February sucks, apart from pancake day, which rocks, and i think it should be moved to 31st of March to be honest!

In other news...
So, in all fairness, I didnt come on here to delebritly slag off a month... thats just mean. Happy birthday to whoever was born on the 1st of the 2nd by the way.
Today I was filling in my college application form, and it made me think of the decisions we have to make in life, and how they can really suck, I mean take, Icecreams for example. sometimes, I just don't know what one to go for. I mean should i go for Icecream, or Ice lollie, and even in the icecream bit theres so many to choose from, Cornetto or Scoop? Sorbet or creamy cornish icecream? Normally my head starts to hurt, I say f*ck it, and pick up some fruit pastilles...
Shameless product placement... Love it.

But yeah, choices can screw me up sometimes... I mean, especially when you have to choose from a group of people, and another group... and you dont want either party to get hurt... once again, I normally go to those, juicy, morish, and delicious ROWNTREES FRUIT PASTILLES.

In other news to that, I hate not having money, It restricts you so much! And I owe people for stuff.. I hate debt...

Another thing I hate is waiting... Waiting for things that dont need to be waited for!! But that'l be in the next blog, so Look out for that.

as for me, well, Ill see you next week, and have a good un!

Have a good weekend, and a good week!

*Archive Notes* this is possibly one of the more coherent of the pieces, tackling what I would call a proper issue. It also had 3 comments. although one, of course was from that anonymous poster

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thats right, I’m back!
Hello "2008" campas!

Wow, its been a while eh? Well guys, like it or not, I'm back. Now join me in a nice adventure into ramblings about, well just about anything that pops into my head!
A few things to clear up. Yes, I know its not a tuesday, but i won't be writing these every week at the same time, THREAT NOT! As I'm still gunna be posting every week, (thats monday-sunday) No, I will not be talking about heavyweight issues of the week, since thats not my style. Yes, You may turn back now if you dont want to read the rest, and finally, no, i was not that man on the grassy knowl, stop sending hate mail!

So, since the last blog i posted was, Eww... wow, the 27th of november, thats a large number of weeks ago, anyway, I was going to post a christmas special, but then it got deleted and it annoyed me ANYWAY.

Did you all have good christmas's? Oh great!
What about new years? Awesome.

So, I spose i had better start to talk about something... I should lighten the mood since the sad news of Heath Ledger... but i wont, I think It should be a reflective time, I mean, He was a great man im sure, since i never met him personally, but why is it that the good always die young when theres people like jack thompson still here! Its a shame, because, just like all the other people with untimely ends, he may not have had a chance to experience life to the fullest, and i think thats something everyone takes for granted, we have all these things in life offered to us, that we should take, but we falter, and thats not life is for... (says the person sitting at the desk writing a blog, well, I'll have you know, my brother just offered me a cup of coffee, which i took!)


We didnt know you at your fullest. and we all solemly regret that.

Anyway, as a little pick me up, how great has this year been so far? Well, awesome to be honest. Daves great line up in the evenings, and I've found myself some awesome bands!
Well I know I havent written loads today, But I havent been in the mood, I have a slight head-ache, so, Ill speak sometime next week, and good night.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Spoiler Alert!!
Current mood: amused
Ok, So no real spoilers... I just couldn't think of a title. Anyway ON WITH THE SH- blog.

Hallo Campas.
Hey Guys, sorry about the 2 week absence. I really didnt have anything to write about last week, among other things. Anyway, whats been going through my head this week? In all fairness not alot! Although I have realised whilst writing this blog, if i take even a small break from writing my little finger automatically pushes the shift key, so if you ever see me writing Like this Ocassionally, its either becuase Im too lazy to check through what im writing, Or Ive taken a a break. (Like just then, But that (see again on the but.) paid of because it was an "I".

Anyway I had revelation this week, well i say revelation, what I mean is that whilst contemplating in the shower, and reflecting on my musings beforehand, I have realised, that I think better with my pants down, I mean when my meat and two veg is out in the open, My thoughts are more free, a bit more wierd... Maybe my brain is in my penis, and it thinks better with more air...(yes that came to me with no trousers on either) maybe I should start going comando in a skirt... Or not. since that would be TOO much freedom. (by the way Im wearing trousers now, no need to fear.) ((not that many of you were where you? ))

So this weekend I brought another new game for my wii, "mario galaxy" Now may I say this is one hell of a game, The graphics are beautiful (like a certain girl i know, but I'll leave you to decide on that) the music is hair raisingly awesome, and the gameplay is, well innovative. Ill leave it there since Some of you arn't that interested in that portly italian plumber.

So for you guys that arn't into games, how about TV? Well after watching episode 10 of season 2 of heroes, (dont worry, there arn't any spoilers) I am now very much wishing the writers were not on strike, I mean, Does anyone know if they are stopping the 2nd season when they run out of scripts? Or are they leaving us on a HUGE cliff hanger, and waiting, however long the strike is? Anyway, there are some really nice storylines appearing now, dont worry, I no telly.

Nearly christmas, well its december on saturday, so Its ALMOST nearly christmas.and I've had my first mince pie of the season! Roll on santas birthday!
(im going to hell for that arn't I?)

Well, Im off to build a karma proof shelter, Good night!

Ill Leave you all with one final thought:

Chuck Norris' calender goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; No one fools Chuck Norris.

Good Bye Campas

*Archive Notes* the writer attempted to use a drop capital system for the begining of each line. this failed, in the original copy and this revised piece - Commenter is still there.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Idea
Current mood: blah

Time: 17: 44
Date: 7th November 2007
Place: Your computer screen.

Yes, ok, I'm not in france, so the subtitle has no real meaning today, you never know, I may one day be in frenchland, and have the title "bonjour", well you never know whats around the corner, Unless, well no, You can't, unless you can see the road bend. Oh well! theres another saying ruined, kind of like "butter wouldn't melt in their mouth" Well who are they? A fridge? Because thats the only way butter wouldn't melt, does butter melt anyway? Oh yer, it does! But anyway, back to the crux of the matter, fridges can't have personalitys so, that whole saying is wrong.

So? New Idea?
Yes, as the paragraph above has shown, Im waffling about a bit well, thats because I am now writing (typing) whatever comes into my head, I'm typing excactly as im thinking, so, this could be a very long and hard to follow blog!

So it was my dads birthday yesterday, and we had my brother (one of them) my 2 sisters and their other halfs (the other one has been to surgeory, so she couldn't be there) now, before I start the talk of the evening, I would just like to say, I like ONE of my sisters boyfriends, Sarahs isnt moany, negative or annoying atall! and thats it. So, back to the evening, My brother came over, as I said, and I was listening to some music, You guys all know my music, well lets just say, he did not approve! So he walked out the off the door shouting something like " your music is crap." of course i cleaned it up a bit. So about 10 minutes later, he came back, and had a HUUGE stack of CDs, and was listing all these artists, one of them was marilin manson, (or however you spell it) and I was a bit... "umm". Although some of his tunes weren't bad, I founs one i liked XD a guy called "Graham Coxon" Hes very good!

First thing on my mind... NOW:
Chrsitmas? Really?
Oh well, so It's november, NOT DECEMBER, fair enough Its a good idea to be thinking about it now, But the adverts started in october! Thats before haloween! (ok, so that isn't a holiday in my books ATALL, its all american, scaring little kids, just doesnt seem right to me...) so yes these christmas adverts started in october (which by the way, should be the 8th month, not the 10th, stupid romans) and well, theres nothing like a bit of advertising to induce the fear of running out of time, (wow this song is making me tired...) But yer, I was listening to dimitri martin the other day, and something christmas based, and funny came up,

"I set myself a new record, I did all my shopping 3 weeks early, so I wrapped them, but half way through i realised I was using the wrong paper, and the stuff I was using said "Happy Birthday" so I didnt want to waste it, so I just put "Jesus" on it."

I laughed. Anyway, yer christmas shopping isn't as hard as i used to find it, its when people aske me what I want that trips me up! But I know what I'm getting Alix, so I'm half sorted! (oh and my wrist is aching now... so I'm taking a break.Now I just realised that you cant tell that I took a break.. Oh well)
Speaking of christas, one morning I woke up in the summer holidays and I was convinced that it was December 25th! I actually believed it was christmas!

So, A week ago, I found out that Zach Braff did the voice of chicken little, Thats right! I was a bit wierded out! But if you REALLY listen to it, you can hear glimpses of his real voice, Wierd Eh? I thought so. Now I would have told you this 7days ago, But well, I had already writen my blog, so... Oh well, now you know.

Well Im off for another week, Ill speak to you all later. Oh and feedback on my new method?


*Archive Notes* It turns out the past writer of this blog had no real respect for the english language or spell checking. or coherency. could this add to the charm of the piece?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Lun - ches? Whats that?
Current mood: chipper

Time 18:13

Date: 6th november 2007

Place: My home... Is this really necersery?

G'evening Readers, it's me, Joe.
Obviosly, So, lets sit back read some rambelings and then... maybe cookies?

Lun - ches?
Well this week, my title actually has something to do with the blog and my "semiadventures" as I like to call them. You see, I was driving by a sign earlier in the week, Well saturday actually, and it wasn't me driving it was my farther. ANYHU, this sign, It said lun ches, and not being fully awake, and since there was a gap between the "n" and the "c" I turn to my dad and bewilderly say, " Dad, whats a lun ches?" then it clicked... lunches... oh god... my blondest moment for a loooong time... so my dad whackes me round the head and calls me a stupid boy... I love that man! XD

Other such going ons'...

Well, apart from that, and me being on half term, I've hada pretty mediocre week... But I'll see what I can russel up!

As many of you may know, Im a bit of a err... Gaming enthusiast... and on tuesday night... a week ago in fact, I finally purchased a new game for my Wii, Oooh shooting aliens is alot of fun!

Another thing that got me rather excited this past week is something VERY close to my heart... sacred heart that is! (if you didnt get that pun... Don't worry) All I'll say is. Scrubs. Season 7. Of. Special appereance. Colin Hay. A. By. Has. rearange those words and you'll get the surprise, and a shocking realisation by J.D follows...


So, courseworks lots of fun isnt it? all halfterm I was determind to do a healthy amount of work... but Alas... Nothing happend! I'ma gunna be in trouble...

Another thing that I did in the half term that didn't include work was order 2 CDs. Although neither has come yet... so im slightly annoyed.
Anyways, Its come that time again were im tired of looking at the screen, especially that mug to the left of me (sympathy please! =p) So I bid you adue,
Oh one more thing, Is it just me, or is it sometimes easier to write the whole word again, than to edit it?

untill next tuesday!
Your friendly neighbourhood spidy.

*Archive Notes* this was the first reference to my then girlfriend Alix, after this blog the mentions become more frequent. Also the Comment makes it's appearence again. but no extra reply.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pat Butcher, shag or die?
Current mood: relaxed
Hallo campers.
Hey Guys, Just a few grumbling first... and then one notice before we get into the... well time wasting.
First of all: Whats with all these spam bullitens? I mean, i've seen about 10 in the last 2 days... And i mean, Comon, Its teedious to have something that looks interesting, but then is an advert or something!
Another, Why when I change my writing background, for the life of me, cant i find the right one!
Ok, So my little notice, the name of my blog, has NOTHING to do with the actual blog! sorry there.

So, Pointless rambelings anyone?
O, one more thing, incase you haven't guessed. Im only doing these blogs every tuesday. just because I mostly have nothing to talk about on a friday!

So, I have recently found a GREAT program called "who's line is it anyway?"
Its immense, its all unplanned, and made up completly. Heres is a little taster, of a round called "Newsflash."

Whose Line is it Anyway - Colin Mochrie Newsflash
*Archive Notes* Here was a video of "Who's Line Is It Anyway" a very good Improvisation show.

Good no? (if that didn't come up, I apologise.)

So, i saw a random site the other night, as most of you know, I went to my grandads 80th on friday night (ok so most of you didnt know that) but I obviosly wasnt the only one bored there. I saw an old man witha camera, and a empty packet of crisps... he was taking pictures of it... It was wierd.

So, I'm now on half term, Which is pretty cool, since there is no school, But one thing thats bugging me, is the fact that cornwalls halfterm, didnt line up with the rest of england, so I couldn't see certain people, that i'd rather be seeing than staring at my computer screen writing this blog.

Oh, and can any off you remember the disney cartoon "The weekenders?" That show was awesome! wayne brady sung the theme tune to it! I used to love that show, But they took it off the air.. They must have been pretty rich, I mean they spent there hole weekend eating junk!

Finally for all those who care. I got hit on by a DVD case yesterday...

Ok, so i seriosly thought I had more to talk about... obviosly i was wrong.

See you all next tuesday!

*Archive Notes* The Commenter is still at large, this was also the first attempt at embedding a video into the blog, it was a success in the original but has been lost with time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Music, Lemmings and Adventures.
Current mood:Warm

Time: 18:00
Date: 23rd October 2007
Place: My House.

Hey Guys, welcome to the 3rd edition of my blog. Seems like ages ago I wrote one no? No? Ok... maybe not, but a surprising amount has happend to me in the last 4 days... (four? five?) So lets get down to buisness.
Oh and do you guys approve of my little setting? TDP?

Music, Lemmings and Adventures.
So as you may have seen. todays blog has a strange title bestowed upon it... Well these are all things that have come up in convosations in the last few days, (obviosly theres been more... but you know.) Ill be leading you through the 3 "main" points of my 1/2 week, aswell as my usual ramblings!

So, This thing "music" it's a controversial subject isn't it? Do we download? Do we Buy? If we buy, do we buy it online, or do we visit the streets? Well lets see... In my opinion. one song is Ok to download... I mean if you need a taste of a band, or only like one song of theirs... then perhaps. I myself am ok with downloading an Album IF YOU PAY, If not... then well, you're going to hell... Or whatever. I myself am not very mainstream, I tend to delve more into the relms of american alternative, although if i buy a english band, don't hate me for it! I'm really into acoustical crap (ok, would it kill myspace to put in a tounge smiley?) but once again, don't sue me if I listen to something a bit rockier. Im at the moment listening to "Lazlo Bane" and have recently ordered "leroys" album... so there. Anyway, this music buisness brings me along nicely to the next subject...

Ok, so lemmings, I'm not talking about the cool little animals either, I mean the people that follow trends, Some even so bad they'd jump off a cliff if the latest so called "celebritys" did it. (Joeclopedia fun fact 1 - Lemmings can also be called sheep, deciples and the general teenage public.) So why joe? why lemmings? Of all the things to rant/ramble about? why lemmings? I'll tell you... Because the get on my nerves. see, in my eyes there are three types of lemming... a hesitant lemming, a Normal lemming and a suicidal lemming, Hesitants, I don't mind so much, these ones tend to follow the initial trend, But not so heavily... OR they follow a trend after the craze has passed, and the don't boast about it. Normal are slightly different. These guys will follow their friends, their heroes to be noticed, to be unnoticed, or to just have something to do... They dont bug me as much as the next lot though... they take the cake: Suicidals... these are the ones that will do ANYTHING to be with the crowed, these are the ones that would deface themselves to be with the crowed, Or be cool... but as a close friend once said to me... "whats the fun in being cool, if you can't wear a sombrero?"

Hope you didn't mind that too much... i know i waffled abit...


Ok, so I have kind of stolen this title from Russel Howards current tour... but with good reason... you see, I went to see him on the sunday. and he was amazing! Seriosly funny! He even talked to me! well... he didnt know it was me, he just knew me as "guitar man"... But i dont care! Speaking of adventures, we had a bit of one today on the bus! there was an accident, and we had to turn around and come back home!

Anyway I'm growing tired of typing, so I'll speak to you all on friday!

Strange boy has left the building.

*Archive Notes* This was the first blog I wrote which gained a proper comment, the mystery comment was still there but a friend of mine also commented. A breakthrough in my early blogging.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Why does it feel Like a friday?
Current mood: chipper
Quick note!

So, I've decided, since My head is full of thoughts and wonderings why not make this thing twice a week? I mean, I get bored alot, andi have alot to talk about, Why not do this more often?

So i will. Look for this Blog every tuesday and friday. (I know this isnt a friday, but internal clocks screw me so badly... hence the title)
Now, A second note.

So, as I said before, welcome to my umm Bi-weekly? Is that the right word? well then welcome to the blog i shall now be commencing every tuesday and friday. Unless i Feel too tired, Dont have anything to talk about, Am preocupied, Or forget.

I know its not a friday, It is Thursday in england anyway. But im Posting this today since it FEELS like a friday, I dont have school "as such" tomorow, so it feels like the end of the week, but that means there will be a...5 day wait untill the next blog, compared to the normal 4, and then 3, making 7!
So! On With The blogging,

Just a quick thought, each of these titles are different, Didnt know that! Oh well might as well learn something.

Well I had some results back from an english essay today, Obviosly I'm not as crap at it as I thought! A, not bad. Well I suppose I'm good at comparsions between relationships in short stories... like im going to use that in life!!

Another Thing I've been thinking about is why did someone invent the Nuke? I mean its extremely dangerous, and very, well pointless, something that can blow up a large area? why kill innocent people to get a few non-innocent?

I know that sounds extremely soppy, wimpy and un-manish, but i dont agree on killing innocents... only a mental would do that. A mental or a extremist.
Now i know ive gone a bit heavy on this, and I didnt intend to. so lets think of Some happy thoughts...

So, My internets alot quicker now, But the videos i have tried to buffer, They're loading... extremely slowly.

Talking of internet videos, why am i having such bad luck with New releases, i want to watch the new "how i met your mother"! Oh and also I have another little know fact about me, When i was younger i used to drink fruit cordial... on its own, no water!

Anyway, Im getting tired of typing, and have ran out of things to talk about so ill see you on tuesday!

*Archive Notes* This one also had a comment, identical to the last 2, all 3 written by the same poster. someone who was not added as a friend

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday blog: hopefully consistant.
Current mood: amused
Hey there again!

So i know i only did one of these a while ago (2 days?) But i'd thought i'd catch you up to date,

So im in year 11, and looking at colleges, Saw saltashes presentation today, I use the term presentation VERY loosly. It was a video... showing the college, that was it. followed by about 5 minutes of talking. I was not impressed, I could have been doing french! HAH. But seriosly, one of the guys in the video looked like dimitri Martin... which I jumped at, but noone else knew who he was so i hushed about that!

I'm also looking for something, But im not sure what it is... Its like, i know i need to find something, but i wont know what it is, untill i find The only way I'll know what it is, is if i stumble onto it by accident. Talking of stumbling, I received an award for contribution to dance (Haha) and Like many other people in the school I had to go up in assembly to get it given to me, Now im not the most gracefull of people when put on the spot, So I walked through to the stairs, went to turn to get up the stairs and tripped, then when i got to the stage, went the wrong way... Not my finest moment!

My internets Kind of annoying me at the moment, I blame AOL, I hate them, I swear its them making my computer so slow. I was doing a thing for my mum earlier, sending an E-m@il (no i didnt need to write it like that, I just like using @)
And all afternoon I've had something Buffering, Im serios, its been loading for about 2 hours, so i go to close a folder and it exited my whole Window that the video was buffering in! Argh I have to say I was rather annoyed since it wasn't my fault, It was the fact the computer was veeeeeery slow.

So my query for this week Is "who Invented the Slow cooker"
I mean it cooks things just as well, just much slower!
go on, get back to me on this one!

Anyway, Hope you enjoyed my blog, More next tuesday!

Strange boy, Out.

*Archive notes* This blog also had one comment, which similar to the first, had no body to it. the mystery deepens

Sunday, October 14, 2007

My First Blog: A test.
Current mood: awake
Hey There Blog readers.

My First blog so be kind!
So, If you've read my profile you'll know all about me,
You'll know I love music, Comedy, Friends ETC
You'll know I have animals, And that The most important girl in my life at the moment is Alix Roberts.

What you wont know is that Im afraid of shower heads.
I sometimes wonder if chickens wish they could fly,
and that i want to be a pirate...

But other than that, im very sensible... Seriosly.

See y'all later!

*Archive notes* this blog's body was highlighted in white, for unknown reasons. It also had one comment, that said nothing